Monday, 5 July 2010

My Testimony

I am new to blogging so I have been stuck on where to start. However after very little deliberation I have decided to share my story of faith so far.

I became a Christian on the 18th of October 1997 (it says so in my Bible and who am I to question the word of God?). I was 11 years old and refused to go to Sunday school so I sat through the service and ignored the preacher whist I read my Bible I can't remember what I was reading only that it had a strange affect on me which was that by the time I had finished reading the preacher then made an altar call for those who wanted to come and receive the Holy Spirit and have a relationship with God so I went forward. That was the day I started to identify myself as a Christian That's a very simple nice story about how God worked in my heart over the course of an hour to bring me to a place where I can accept Him as my God and live happily ever after.

If we rewind the story by 11 years I was born with a congenital heart condition I had several operations which culminated in one massive operation when I was 2. After that operation I spent along time in hospital and for a while my heart was so swollen from the operation that my rib cage had to be left open. whilst I was recovering my heart stopped beating and the doctors resuscitated me and then it stopped again, and again and again, then the doctors refused to resuscitate me and my heart stopped again. This time some of my parents friends from our old church came in and prayed for me and my heart started up again. From then on there were few problems with my heart. It is also important to note that also from then on I always had some knowledge or belief in God, I always felt and knew that God existed and loved me. This is what led me at the age of 11 to embark on what I now see as a journey of faith into a relationship with the Living God.

I am only 24 but already I feel as if the journey has been too hard and at times too long it has taken me many places most of which I didn't want to go to with the exception of Cliff College. I feel like here is where this post should end but I shall be writing another 2 posts very soon exploring two of the places my journey has taken me so far. Until then I will finish with the passage I was given at my baptism Isaiah 40:28-31

"...[T]he Lord is the God who lives forever, who created the world. He does not become tired or need to rest. No one can understand how great His wisdom is. He gives strength to those who are tired and more power to those who are weak. Even children become tired and need to rest, and young people trip and fall. But the people who trust in the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up like an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired."

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